Step-By-Step Guide To Effective Product Data Management

Step-By-Step Guide To Effective Product Data Management

Chintan Bhomia

Product Manager

Welcome to the final installment of our blog series on unlocking the power of product data.

In previous blogs, we explored the complexities of chemical product data, the limitations of traditional data repositories that add to the challenges of data silos, and their negative impact on sales and marketing. We discussed how navigating layers of product data is a complex task, resulting in data fragmentation and inefficiencies. We emphasized the importance of implementing a Product Information Management (PIM) solution, such as ionicPIM, to overcome these challenges and unlock the full potential of product data. 

With ionicPIM's centralized and accessible hub of product information, organizations streamline operations, improve productivity, enhance customer experiences, and maximize operational efficiency.

Today, we provide a step-by-step guide on how to start the transformation of your product data, enrich it, maintain it, and start building a knowledge hub about your products.

Step 1: Identify All Data Sources

Begin by identifying all the sources of your product data across the organization. This includes internal systems, databases, spreadsheets, and any external sources. Gain a comprehensive understanding of where your product data resides and how it is managed. 

Our team can guide you through a comprehensive assessment to ensure no valuable data is overlooked.

Step 2: Integrate Data Sources with PIM

ionicPIM simplifies the integration of your diverse data sources. With advanced data integration capabilities, ionicPIM enables seamless consolidation of product data from various systems, ensuring a centralized and accessible repository. This eliminates the need to replace any existing solution and creates a single source of truth faster.

Step 3: Establish a taxonomy that scales

ionicPIM comes equipped with a chemical industry-specific taxonomy designed by experts in the field. This predefined taxonomy implements a consistent and standardized data structure for your product information easily, promoting data quality and secures compatibility with industry standards.

Step 4: Digitize your product data and bring structure to your information

Product data in PDFs, DOCX, and other formats is unstructured, and hinders users' capabilities to search through the information limiting your ability to create powerful product discovery experiences for your customers. Going beyond traditional OCR technology to read PDF content, Agilis deployed AI-based solutions that read the information, detect and map specific attributes about the products, and support classification across the taxonomies established in step 3. 

Step 5: Data Transformation and De-Duplication for Data Consistency

Accurate product data is the foundation for a strong customer experience and faster acquisition. Once data sources are integrated, taxonomies defined per your business needs, and product data digitized, suppliers should focus on making sure quality data ingestion into the PIM. 

Quality of the PIM data is ensured by common data management practices such as extraction, de-duplication, and harmonization of data. Leveraging NLP and AI tools, you have access to technology that help digitize your product data and improve quality at scale. ionicPIM leverages these technologies to ingest data from thousands of products and process it seamlessly. Whether you have 500 products in your portfolio or 50,000, you start reaping the benefits quickly.

Step 6: Set Up Access Rights

Once you have created quality structured data, it's time to store it in tools such as a Product Information Management (PIM) system. PIM systems allow you to store and maintain structured product data. After ingesting that data into a PIM solution:

  1. Focus on setting processes that help maintain high data quality.
  2. Start by defining and establishing access rights and permissions for your product data.
  3. Determine who can edit and modify the data and who has read-only access.
  4. Assign appropriate roles and responsibilities to individuals or teams to ensure accountability and control over data management processes. 

Step 7: Implement Data Quality Control

Implement data quality checks and validation processes to ensure your product data's accuracy, completeness, and integrity. Set up automated mechanisms to identify and rectify any data inconsistencies or errors. Regularly monitor data quality metrics to maintain the highest level of data integrity.

A PIM solution generally provides built-in data quality control mechanisms, such as validation rules and automated checks, to maintain the accuracy and completeness of your product data. These features identify and rectify data inconsistencies, making certain there’s high-quality information.

Step 8: Assign Data Ownership

Assign data ownership to individuals or teams within your organization. Designate specific individuals responsible for maintaining and ensuring the accuracy of the product data. Data owners oversee data quality, updates, and approvals, fostering a culture of accountability and ownership. IonicPIM enables you to assign data ownership. IonicPIM's intuitive interface and user-friendly tools empower data owners to manage and monitor the health of their assigned data.

Step 9: Establish Data Governance Policies

Agilis, in collaboration with your organization, helps develop tailored data governance policies that align with your specific business requirements. These policies outline the processes, procedures, and guidelines for data creation, maintenance, sharing, and security, ensuring adherence to best practices.

Step 10: Continuously Monitor and Improve

ionicPIM provides comprehensive reporting, alerting, and analytics capabilities, allowing you to monitor data quality metrics and track the effectiveness of your data governance initiatives. Agilis Commerce's support team will assist you in analyzing these insights to identify areas for improvement and optimize your data management processes.

Leverage a Purpose-Built PIM Solution

IonicPIM, as a purpose-built PIM solution for the chemical industry, offers numerous benefits throughout the data governance journey. From its industry-specific taxonomy to its advanced access control and data quality features, ionicPIM streamlines data governance efforts and creates a higher return on investment. Agilis Commerce's deep industry knowledge and expertise further enhance the value and effectiveness of the solution.

By following this step-by-step guide and leveraging the capabilities of ionicPIM by Agilis Commerce, you can establish practical data governance principles, optimize your data management processes, improve data quality, and leads to long-term success in managing your chemical product data.

Thank you for reading this series on how to unlock the power of your product data. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or require assistance.

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